Kevin you need to understand what the CAGED system is about. I think of it like... well here is an example from a color blindness test:
Think of the fretboard like this, an incomprehensible jumble (I know it's a grid, but hang in with me for a sec...)
View attachment 1984
but, if you put a color filter over the jumble, you will see this:
View attachment 1985
put a different color filter over it and you will see this:
View attachment 1986
The 5 and the 3 are always there in the first picture but without a filter they are hard to spot.
Now, think of a fretboard visualization system. One we know already is the 5 boxes. That is a filter for the fretboard, it takes that jumble of a grid and makes it understandable.
Now, think of a different visualization system. The CAGED system. It is a DIFFERENT filter that takes the jumble of a grid and let's you see the fretboard differently than the boxes do. Like the 5 and the 3 above. If you only use the "boxes" filter you may only see the 5.
Does that make sense?
It's not about playing but about visualizing WHAT you can play, and WHERE you can find it on the fretboard.