Griff's "Trading Fours" course


Life Long Learner
Here's something you could do (although not officially part of the plan).

You're actually on a 24 bar "cycle":

In the first chorus Griff has the first and last 4 and you take the middle 4.
In the next chours you'll be playing the first and last and Griff will take the middle.
Then this 2 chorus cycle repeats.

You could learn all Griff's licks from the 2nd chorus and play them as your part in the 1st.
Then you could take all the licks Griff plays in the 1st chorus and play them as your part in the 2nd.

You would have a 1 chorus solo that repeats, but with you and Griff playing opposite parts of the solo in each chorus.
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Life Long Learner
Everyone is free to do what ever they like with the course.

I don't think that is up for debate.

However, Griff has designed it with a specific goal and plan in mind.

And that is explicitly explained in the introduction for anyone who wants to follow it.

Rancid Rumpboogie

Blues Mangler
I think that unless you already have a passable or better vocabulary of your own well-known licks, you will probably be frustrated with this course. Just learning the licks Griff uses in the course is not the intent of the course, and as stated earilier, in many cases what Griff does in bars 1-4 may not work in bars 5-8. I think the intent is to help teach you how to jump in at any point in a progression to add a fill behind a vocalist or perhaps to trade licks with another player live. I think the best approach is to just go for it, and if you fall on your face at any point, well, that's a cue to go figure out / learn / steal / borrow a lick or two from somewhere that will work at that point.

It is also good for learning to comp between your licks ... just like Griff is doing. When griff is playing a lick or two, you should be playing the same rhythm he was playing before he started playing the lick. So there are not only licks to learn, there are little chords to learn. As well as feel. It will help you learn to transition from rhythm to lead and back to rhythm seamlessly.

That said, I try to learn every lick I can get my hands on, so will spend the time to learn the licks that Griff uses.


Blues Newbie
I've been doing some cleaning, purging and reorganization in the music room, as well as making some updates to my recording/practicing rig (thanks to some advice I got here on another thread), so have only given a cursory listen to the tracks.

However, I find that as soon as Griff "hands off" to me, I can immediately hear what I'm going to try to play. Hoping I can get back in there this evening to do a deeper dive...


Blues Newbie
Hah!! Can't do it!! :LOL:

I've observed before that I can hear licks and entire verses in my head, but can't execute with the guitar in my hands. This is even more frustrating as each four Griff plays does suggest something to my ear when I just listen. Pick up the guitar and zip-ola! Not that I can't play, it's just all in my fingers and not anywhere as good as I can hear!

If I can learn to hear those licks and phrases while holding the guitar - not get all absorbed in the physical performance - I might make some more progress.

I think this course might turn out to be a game-changer for me.


Student Of The Blues
Steve I agree, I think you are the perfect "target" for this course. I think you get better over time getting something out of the finger that is close to what's in your head, and that's good enough for the audience because they didn't know it wasn't quite what you were going for.


Blues Newbie
Steve- agree this seems like a game changer for me but I can’t get back to the states until Saturday. I think my ear is better than my memory - so we will see. It seems that since I have to play something for four bars before Griff “steps” on me that I better know where I am in the beat/measure. I have high hopes and will endeavor not to peak at the answers. Scott.


Guitar Challenged
Staff member
I looked at it, but it came out the day I aggravated the tendonitis/arthritis in my left hand. Just getting back to playing now, but I have to catch up on some Garage Band group stuff I'm doing. Looks like a lot of fun though!


The Central Scrutinizer
Staff member
I looked at it, but it came out the day I aggravated the tendonitis/arthritis in my left hand. Just getting back to playing now, but I have to catch up on some Garage Band group stuff I'm doing. Looks like a lot of fun though!
I hope you didn't get that from opening a fuzzy pink strap envelope!

Mike A

Did anyone else get Griff's "Trading Fours" course? I think it is an excellent course. It not only helps to learn to improvise, it also will prepare you to trade licks with another player at a jam.



Blues Junior
Hah!! Can't do it!! :LOL:

I've observed before that I can hear licks and entire verses in my head, but can't execute with the guitar in my hands. This is even more frustrating as each four Griff plays does suggest something to my ear when I just listen. Pick up the guitar and zip-ola! Not that I can't play, it's just all in my fingers and not anywhere as good as I can hear!

If I can learn to hear those licks and phrases while holding the guitar - not get all absorbed in the physical performance - I might make some more progress.

I think this course might turn out to be a game-changer for me.
I am totally with you Steve. I hear what I want to play when I don't have the guitar in my hands. With the guitar my fingers want to play the same 8 or so licks that they always play. I think this course will help me break out of that because Griff's 4 do suggest something to follow with. Maybe I can train my fingers to do some new things. Also, I can steal some of his cool licks.
