A sneaky one, hmmm


I'm not too shy about my fondness for my "new" life in the world of Apple. My M1 Mini and Pro Logic have been great in all respects.

My little world came tumbling down during the production of my latest monstrosity, "Waiting for a Friend" Logic Pro started crashing, oh no!!!

I was running more tracks and plug ins than ever before, but still, it crashed. It rained, during the day, in my little Camelot!

Trying to keep my faith in Apple, and using logic to guide me to the most probable cause being the operator (me) I dug in for a good answer. Turning off stuff is no fun and not why I got my Mac. So, what could I have done to cause this kerfluffel? Stay tuned...

I got one very fast external drive to go with my Mac. I had routed all my saves to the Ex SSD, including my project saves (when I am working).

It turns out that my uber fast external drive is just on millionth of a micro give a $hit slower than the OEM Mac drive. Just enough that when I really loaded things up the save and recall just couldn't keep up in real time. I changed my project storage back to the Mac's onboard SSD and once again, the skies clear and the birds sing gaily in my little Camelot!

I only share this tale because I just betcha that some of the same hoo doo could affect those using other DAWs in the PC world. If you are having strange problems, and you are using an external (or non-native HD) just for the hay, you can try using a local storage on your main Drive to see if that give enough of a speed bump to make it all happy. Worked for me! :Beer:
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Student Of The Blues
I ran into a similar problem with Pro Tools on a windows PC. I finally figured out that plugging my external drive into a USB hub introduced just enough latency to start throwing drive speed errors. I bypassed the hub and all is well again.


Director of Curmudgeonry
Staff member
I'm not too shy about my fondness for my "new" life in the world of Apple. My M1 Mini and Pro Logic have been great in all respects.

My little world came tumbling down during the production of my latest monstrosity, "Waiting for a Friend" Logic Pro started crashing, oh no!!!

I was running more tracks and plug ins than ever before, but still, it crashed. It rained, during the day, in my little Camelot!

Trying to keep my faith in Apple, and using logic to guide me to the most probable cause being the operator (me) I dug in for a good answer. Turning off stuff is no fun and not why I got my Mac. So, what could I have done to cause this kerfluffel? Stay tuned...

I got one very fast external drive to go with my Mac. I had routed all my saves to the Ex HD, including my project saves (when I am working).

It turns out that my uber fast external drive is just on millionth of a micro give a $hit slower than the OEM Mac drive. Just enough that when I really loaded things up the save and recall just couldn't keep up in real time. I changed my project storage back to the Mac's onboard HD and once again, the skies clear and the birds sing gaily in my little Camelot!

I only share this tale because I just betcha that some of the same hoo doo could affect those using other DAWs in the PC world. If you are having strange problems, and you are using an external (or non-native HD) just for the hay, you can try using a local storage on your main HD to see if that give enough of a speed bump to make it all happy. Worked for me! :Beer:
Glad you got it sorted out. Stuff like that can drive you nuts if you let it... At least that's my excuse for my present condition!


Blues 'R' Fun
Haven't seen any drastic latency issues with Studio One on PC w/win11. SSD is primary drive, HDD is second drive. On occasion have connected an external USB drive for file transfer. Don't recall if S1 was even open during file Xfer.

The one thing that did drive me to edge of sanity (been there for a while, LOL) was an issue with BGU. View a thread, Click on Forum (top menu bar) go back to Home and click on a different thread. Suddenly, and without any indication that there may be an issue, the page would not load the next thread.

After exhausting almost all possible avenues of troubleshooting, I happened upon an item in a blog about a certain Virus Protection Software causing an issue similar to the one I had. Disabled the Virus Software feature and VIOLA! Issue no longer caused a page to not load. After some back and forth with Virus tech support, got a completely new updated version installed and have not seen any additional issues in BGU.

The totally insane part of all this was that other websites and even other blogs did not fail to load a new page. Only happen on BGU forum. And now rarely used MS EDGE has a quirky thing going on.

At the top center of any new page or new TAB opened in EDGE, there is a blank miniature window flashing open then close repeatedly. Compared to a full screen window, this pulsating POPUP is less than 1/4 of a full sized window and is an overlay on existing tabs that are open. Have not located the root cause of this one, so I refrain from using EDGE for almost all browsing activity.

In all the years of computing experience, both as a regular user and as a IT person, I have never seen a browser behave in this manner. If anyone has observed this type of activity and successfully stopped the annoying POPUP, let me know what you did.

Only issue with S1 that I have had was one that tech support was unable to solve. The solution was to completely uninstall Studio One, download the latest installer exe file and subsequently reinstall S1. That was my decision and did not come from support team in Louisiana. Problem solved basically on my own as the team collectively was unable to sort out the issue.


Director of Curmudgeonry
Staff member
Haven't seen any drastic latency issues with Studio One on PC w/win11. SSD is primary drive, HDD is second drive. On occasion have connected an external USB drive for file transfer. Don't recall if S1 was even open during file Xfer.

The one thing that did drive me to edge of sanity (been there for a while, LOL) was an issue with BGU. View a thread, Click on Forum (top menu bar) go back to Home and click on a different thread. Suddenly, and without any indication that there may be an issue, the page would not load the next thread.

After exhausting almost all possible avenues of troubleshooting, I happened upon an item in a blog about a certain Virus Protection Software causing an issue similar to the one I had. Disabled the Virus Software feature and VIOLA! Issue no longer caused a page to not load. After some back and forth with Virus tech support, got a completely new updated version installed and have not seen any additional issues in BGU.

The totally insane part of all this was that other websites and even other blogs did not fail to load a new page. Only happen on BGU forum. And now rarely used MS EDGE has a quirky thing going on.

At the top center of any new page or new TAB opened in EDGE, there is a blank miniature window flashing open then close repeatedly. Compared to a full screen window, this pulsating POPUP is less than 1/4 of a full sized window and is an overlay on existing tabs that are open. Have not located the root cause of this one, so I refrain from using EDGE for almost all browsing activity.

In all the years of computing experience, both as a regular user and as a IT person, I have never seen a browser behave in this manner. If anyone has observed this type of activity and successfully stopped the annoying POPUP, let me know what you did.

Only issue with S1 that I have had was one that tech support was unable to solve. The solution was to completely uninstall Studio One, download the latest installer exe file and subsequently reinstall S1. That was my decision and did not come from support team in Louisiana. Problem solved basically on my own as the team collectively was unable to sort out the issue.
I have never had an issue with DAW software and my setup should be like a rabbit hole for problems. NVME C: Drive, SSD D: Drive. F: Drive is an external USB3 drive. The rest are spinners.
Disk Layout.jpg
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Blues Voyager
I'm committed to Windows so, I built my own machine a few years ago
One of the nice things about that is I was able to build in lots of internal storage.
(Keeping my fingers crossed) I have not had the problem you described

I try to spread things across several drives and then do a two layer backup.

Internal Drives
-All programs - 1 TB C NVME drive
-Studio One sessions - 4 TB NVME drive
-Sound samples - 1 TB SSD drive
-Band In a Box - 1 TB SSD drive
-All other files - 2 TB SSD drive

Internal Drives
-Sessions Backup #1 6 TB Hard drive
-All other Backup #1 4 TB Hard drive
Total internal 19 TB

External Drives

-Sessions Backup #2 6 TB Hard drive
-All other Backup #2 4 TB Hard drive
Total External 10 TB

I don't use cloud back up..maybe I could add that for peace of mind

I run the backups twice a day durring down times
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I take comfort in the fact that I never had a problem before, and this last task was resource intensive. 29 tracks with a multiple of that in plug ins brought it down. My external drive is a Samsung 980 bPro NVMe M.2 1TB. I thought that would keep up with the MAC, under every other situation it has. Even so, every "crash" was non-destructive. I could just restart the project, until it crashed again. Pretty well mannered.

I don't even know what I would do with more storage. 1TB onboard, 1TB external. I will have storage room for the foreseeable.

Silicon Valley Tom

It makes me happpy to play The Blues!
I wish this thread was discussed when I purchased a new PC last year dedicated to my music. I totally missed the boat
appreciating how much storage I should prepare for; though I was forewarned.
Everyone should purchase a new PC and Lap Top every year! :eek: Not really! :ROFLMAO: That is what technology and marketing is all about. I am so much happier with SSD drives. They contribute to your computers overall performance being so much faster. If you can afford it, and are in the market for a new computer, try to purchase a computer with more features than you think you need. Like RAM (faster overall performance), and storage (you never have enough).

My wife Katy, told me that they would never make a computer fast enough for me. Katy has had to listen to me complain about computer speed for more than 40 years. She got a new lap top last year and complained about it's speed, so she bought a new one with a SSD drive. So far so good! :love:



My point was that comparing apples to apples (bad pun intended) the SSD that came onboard with my Mac mini M1 runs everything fast enough to allow me to run my monster "Waiting For A Friend" project without a hitch. My external drive is a fairly highly rated Samsung 980 Pro NVMe M.2 1TB and even though that comes with good credentials it just is not fast enough to match the drive that is onboard with my little Mac. I also power the base that the Samsung resides in with external power, so it is not starving for power.
I'm just delighted that I caught on to the real problem.
None of my earlier efforts with recording and mixing have presented enough of a challenge/load to cause any issues to reveal themselves.
Now I will store my finished work on the Samsung (and on the iCloud Drive) and keep a directory designated for temporary use when actually working on a project. Easy Peasy.