Here's a little experiment


The Central Scrutinizer
Staff member
I played the intro to Thrill three times: once through my 11 Rack, Quilter Pro Block 200, and finally through my Nace Pro 18.
The recording itself was a challenge for various reasons.

Zzzen Dog

Blues Junior
Just saw this. There are a number of differences, aside from the playing. The 11Rack was the thinnest sounding of the bunch. The Nace 18, was the fullest of the bunch but sacrificed some of the high end for that. All of that could be due to how the different model / amps were set. Also, the modelers had reverb applied to them. The Nace didn't... although it's supposed to have a digital reverb, so I'm not sure why you didn't use it?

If I had to choose, I'd probably select the Nace.


The Central Scrutinizer
Staff member
Based on those three samples, it sounds like you have the Nace dialed in the best. I agree with @Zzzen Dog that the 11r was the thinnest. To me ear, the 11r and the Quilter were both dialed in just a bit too shrill for the mix. They might have fit a little better if they sat a little lower in the mix.