Discover How To Easily Move Between The Major And Minor Blues Sounds No Matter Where You Are On The Fretboard
If there is one “secret” to playing incredible blues solos that all the greats know and use, it’s the ability to seamlessly merge the major and minor blues sounds perfectly over the 3 chords of a blues tune.
With Major Minor Blues Shapes you’ll see exactly how to change between the major and minor blues shapes in each of the 5 fretboard regions using root note “pivot points” just like your favorite blues players throughout history have done.
Combining The Major And Minor Blues Sounds Is The Secret…
It’s been proven time and time again by Albert King, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Freddie King, Robben Ford, Johnny Winter, Gary Moore… and darn near everyone else all the way back to Robert Johnson – if you want to really play an authentic blues solo that moves through the chords and takes your listener on a journey, you have to mix the major and minor blues sounds at the right times.
But it’s also been proven time and again by students just like you the world over… that’s not always as easy as it sounds.
Because there are tons of “tricks” and “shortcuts” to it… like the “3 frets down” rule you may have heard of… but in the end, those tricks leave something very important out – the root notes.
The root notes are extremely important because on the scale of importance they are right there below the 3rd and 7th, and that makes them perfect “pivot points” for your blues scales.
Which is great if you know your roots and you know how to work with them – but in my experience with thousands of students around the world, that’s probably not the case.
And that is why I created Major Minor Blues Shapes – to guide you through learning the root note positions of all the boxes quickly and easily, and then show you how to use that knowledge to combine the boxes into major or minor sounds any time you want.
Here’s What You’ll Get With Major Minor Blues Shapes…
- Examples of the major and minor blues “boxes” in all 5 fretboard regions so you know where to start no matter where you are.
- How to practice the major and minor sounds from ALL of the root note locations in each box… again so you can’t get lost no matter where you find yourself in mid-solo.
- 5 Solos, 24 bars (2 choruses) each so you can see the combinations in action and have literally dozens of new licks available to you.
- Full speed and slow speed play alongs for all 5 solos, and a full speed jam track you can play along to when you feel like you’ve really got it.
- No solo faster than an 1/8th note – these solos are designed to be playable by anyone with at least some improvising experience and a knowledge of the 5 boxes.
- Each lick notated in the manual and covered in complete detail. You’ll know the notes I play, why I play them, and exactly which pivot points I’m using to create these textbook blues licks.
You’ll Be Playing The Blues Like This…
Here are video demonstrations of all 5 solos in the course. Notice that each solo is over the same shuffle feel (the most common blues feel) so that you can easily compare what you are doing in each solo to the same benchmark.
Solo 1
Solo 2
Solo 3
Solo 4
Solo 5

90 Day Iron-Clad Guarantee
As with all of my courses, Major Minor Blues Shapes is guaranteed for 90 days. If you don’t absolutely love these solos I insist that you ask me for a refund! But I know you are going to love them as much as I enjoyed putting them together for you.