Les Paul - BS Artist

Silicon Valley Tom

It makes me happpy to play The Blues!
Les Paul was a guy with a big ego. He professed that he developed so many things. Things like the electric guitar, stereo, multi track recording, tape recording, and the list goes on.

I worked at AMPEX and enjoyed reading the articles he wrote as to his inventions. By the way, AMPEX had a commercial multi track system out in 1952, before Les Paul “invented it”.

Les Paul said that he invented stereo. Here is how he did it. It was done with a phonograph. Back in the good old days, records were cut with vinyl discs. So Mr. Paul placed two cartridges on one arm and “invented stereo”. Just consider how close the needles must have been and how far apart the groves were? Stereo recording was done with one V grove and one needle, with a left and right channel. Not two needles and two separate groves.

Mr. Pau; enjoyed telling his stories.



Student Of The Blues
Les Paul was a guy with a big ego. He professed that he developed so many things. Things like the electric guitar, stereo, multi track recording, tape recording, and the list goes on.

I worked at AMPEX and enjoyed reading the articles he wrote as to his inventions. By the way, AMPEX had a commercial multi track system out in 1952, before Les Paul “invented it”.

Les Paul said that he invented stereo. Here is how he did it. It was done with a phonograph. Back in the good old days, records were cut with vinyl discs. So Mr. Paul placed two cartridges on one arm and “invented stereo”. Just consider how close the needles must have been and how far apart the groves were? Stereo recording was done with one V grove and one needle, with a left and right channel. Not two needles and two separate groves.

Mr. Pau; enjoyed telling his stories.

But the man could play!


Blues in Texas
Yeah he could play....

That story about inventing things brings back memories of when Al Gore claimed he invented the internet....Personally, I don't Al Gore could even use the internet (ARPA by name in the day). He probably did not have permission nor a need to git close to any devices capable of connecting to ARPA NET......