"Kick The Tires" Of The Blues Guitar Unleashed All Access Program For Just $1... And You May Never Need To Buy Another Guitar Lesson Again...
Now you can try the Blues Guitar Unleashed All Access Pass for a full 14 days for just $1. You'll have access to over 1000 videos, all of my complete courses, over 150 jam tracks (and counting), plus the 6 live sessions every month... and more!
When you started to play the guitar, how long did you think it would take you?
Did you think it would take as long as it has? Or did you think you’d be a little further along by now?
And do you ever feel like, the more you learn, the less you understand? Or that you don’t have any idea where to go from here?
Sadly, you’re not alone… in fact, in my experience most guitar players face those same doubts and frustrations every single day...
But what’s the answer?
If the answer were simply more lessons and videos, anyone who wanted to play the blues would be playing like SRV, Clapton, and BB King all rolled into one within a week or two… there’s clearly no lack of lessons available…
But obviously more lessons doesn’t fix the problem… and I would go so far as to say it often makes things worse.
In fact, I think I can safely say that you’ll get much farther, much faster, with good quality lessons over a huge quantity…
And those lessons should use the same vocabulary, and have the same guiding principles and foundations behind them… and your lessons should be designed, from the beginning, to work together, so one lesson isn’t contradicting the previous lesson you just watched.
But There’s A Catch:
I hope we understand each other – if you don’t practice and spend some time on your guitar most every day, then you are wasting both our time…
But my lessons have proven themselves over the past 30 years to be effective. There are over 63,358 people around the world using my premium lessons, and many of those people get 2, 3, or some even 10 or more of my courses over time.
And if the lessons are working for them, it’s a good bet they’ll work for you too.
So if you’re willing to hold up your end and spend time playing your guitar, and if you’re tired of hunting for the lesson needles amongst the haystacks, let me show you…
Exactly What You’re Getting

The Blues Guitar Unleashed All Access Pass could easily be described as the keys to the kingdom… it’s complete access to every single course, every video lesson, every jam track, and every single piece of content that I’ve ever made (and that’s over the last 10+ years, I started in 2008!)
Currently, as of this letter there are over 1000 videos, and well over 150 jam tracks for you to play along with… well, if you count the jam tracks that come with the lessons I don’t want to count that high…
Plus, you’ll get access to my custom Practice Generator to help you create practice schedules and monitor your progress. It’s simple to use and incredibly helpful over time.
You’ll also get exclusive access to a variety of live online workshops on things like Music Theory, Gear, Recording, Technique, and whatever else we feel like talking about.
Finally, you’ll have access to the famous Blues Guitar Unleashed Member Forum where you can connect with other “BGU” members around the world. Ask questions, talk about gear, post photos of your latest New Guitar… or jump into the Virtual Jam Room and take a solo with friends.
It’s About More Than Just Playing The Blues.
Obviously, since this is Blues Guitar Unleashed, there’s a lot of blues here…
But the basics and the foundations of playing guitar don’t change, no matter what style you’re playing.
So in addition to all of the best selling Blues courses, there are courses for Beginners, courses for acoustic strumming, some fingerstyle lessons, and of course the entire Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed course is in there too.
Maybe you’ve always played in a band, but you’re tired of not having something when your friends or family say, “Can you play us something?”
Or maybe you’ve always wanted to add some slide guitar to your vocabulary – there’s electric and acoustic slide lessons in open and standard tunings.
And as more content and courses are added over time, you’ll have them, automatically, before anyone else. And you’ll know they are of the same high quality and feel as everything else because you know the source.
Of course you’ll get access to all of these courses currently available:
- Blues Guitar Unleashed – Now on version 2.0, still the best selling Blues Guitar learning system for anyone who wants to play the blues.
- Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed – Perfect if you want to play solo blues (as in, by yourself.) You actually can play the examples equally well on acoustic or electric guitar.
- Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed – Ready to rock? Everything you need to know to play like everyone from Lindsay Buckingham to David Gilmour.
- Beginning Blues Guitar - Perfect for beginners of any style, but the playing examples are primarily blues based.
- Strumming And Rhythm Mastery – So many strum patterns you’ll be able to play along with just about ANY song, and you’ll master your inner clock and counting along the way.
- Guitar Theory Made Useful – Music theory isn’t a mystery when you strip away the stuff that just doesn’t matter to anyone outside of classical music history professors. This is the cut-to-the-chase stuff you need to use music theory to your advantage every day.
- Pentatonic Scale & Technique Mastery – Get my personal program for building speed, control, and incredible knowledge of the pentatonic boxes.
- The Little Wing Lesson – The complete “how and why it works” behind one of the most famous songs ever.
- Modes Unleashed – Unravel the mystery of the modes and use them in any style of music effortlessly.
- CAGED Unleashed – CAGED is a system for looking at the fretboard in new and exciting ways. Imagine being able to just create any chord or scale you need as you need it – that’s the power of CAGED.
- Soloing Without Scales – Many people found me and Blues Guitar Unleashed through my famous “4 Note Solo” on YouTube. That 4 note solo pattern is just the tip of the iceberg and in this course you’ll get the whole enchilada.
- Chord By Chord Blues Soloing – Use the power of arpeggios to create better, more interesting and melodic solos over blues changes.
- 5 Easy Blues Solos And 5 MORE Easy Blues Solos – 10 complete plug-and-play solos you can learn and use quickly because they sound good and use nothing faster than an 1/8th note.
- Blues Gig In A Box Vol 1 & Vol 2 – 10 complete blues songs in the style of some of the most iconic blues songs in history.
- 52 Rhythm Fills And Variations – Stuck in a rhythmic rut? These options will keep you going for months and years to come.
- Major Minor Blues Shapes – Using my concept of “left facing” and “right facing” patterns, you’ll finally get good and switching back and forth between the major and minor blues sounds when you want to.
- The Blues Solo Construction Kit: Slow Blues and Shuffle Feel – Why settle for just a bunch of licks when you can add in phrasing and perfect options that always work, every time?
- 5 Easy Slide Solos – Electric slide guitar in the styles of Bonnie Raitt, Warren Haynes, Derek Trucks, and more.
- Introduction to Slide Guitar – Start here if you’ve never played slide and want to start in standard tuning.
- How To Build Blues Songs – Simply the best course I’ve ever seen on blues song form elements. You’ll learn how to take a 50 foot view of almost any blues song on the planet and learn it quickly – even if you’ve never heard it before.
- Acoustic Blues Song Lessons like the Spent Money Blues and Traveling Blues – If you just want to play a song, these 2 are great and very much in the style of some classic acoustic favorites like Eric Clapton would play.
- Jam Tracks – There are so many jam tracks I can’t even count them all. You’ll have 29 Blues Jam Tracks, Ultimate Blues Jams Volumes 1 and 2, 5x5 Jam Tracks, plus most of the courses have jam tracks that go with them as well.
And there’s more, but to try and list them all would get a little silly because you’ll also have access to courses you can’t even buy like the BGU Insiders Vault, and Solos From The Masters where I walk you through a solo by guitar players like Freddie King, Albert King, Peter Green, and more.
Now, if you think that’s a whole lot of goodness for your guitar playing, you’re right… and it’s stuff that you can rely on, day in and day out, to make you a better guitar player.
But, it gets better because you’re also getting.
- Jeremy Stein - Via Facebook![]()
5 months ago I went with the All Access Pass and couldn't be more pleased. I'm wrapping up BGU (Blues Guitar Unleashed) now, but along the way I also did Blues Speed Building Blocks, Delta Slide, and I'm working on CAGED Unleashed now as well.
The Practice Generator
I really should call it the Practice Generator, Tracker, and Navigation Tool, but that’s a little wordy. You can tell the PG the stuff you want to practice on, and using the same logic I would personally use (behind the scenes) the PG will tell you how much you should practice on each thing, each day, and for how many days (you NEED to cycle your practicing so it’ll limit you on purpose.)
Then, you can use the PG to track your progress using the timer and day calendar markers… and finally you can use the tracker “TV” icon to go straight to the lesson you are working on without having to search for it. It makes your practice incredibly efficient and lets you keep track of your stats and goals so you can really see your progress over time.
If you’ve ever struggled to keep your lessons straight, to remember what to practice on for any given day, or to have a way to actually see your progress over time… then the Practice Generator is like a breath of fresh air.
Plus you’ll also get…
- Chris Babcock - Via Facebook![]()
I can't recommend it enough... best thing I have ever done for my guitar playing... you won't be disappointed
Live Workshops
I love to “go live” with you and talk about stuff like Theory, Gear, Technique, and whatever else we come up with. So you can expect several live sessions every month where you can ask me questions directly, plus I’ll archive the recordings for you as well so you can refer back to them.
Want to learn about recording your guitar? We can do that. Want to know more about your hand position or posture? We can do that too.
Have a tone in your head that you just can’t figure out how to get? I’d love to help and we can talk about that as well.
Or maybe, there’s a song that you’d love to solo over, but for some reason nothing you try sounds just right. We can analyze the chords together and come up with a plan of attack for that solo, together, live. The sky is the limit!
And finally, you’ll have full access to…
- Elio Spinelli - Via Facebook![]()
It is definitely well worth it if you are serious about your guitar playing. In the year that I have had the AAP, I have used way more of the materials than I expected to.
The Blues Guitar Unleashed Member Forum
There’s no way I can fully describe to you the “BGU Family,” but it is exactly that. I’m a member of many guitar forums around the internet, and there is not a single one with a more supportive group of people who just want to have a great time and improve their playing.
You could be thinking about something at 2:00 in the morning on a Thursday, and someone will be on the forum – it’s crazy!
Got a new song you just wrote? Post it up and see what folks think about it. Can’t figure out exactly how to count out something in a lesson? Just ask and the answer will come in, usually, within hours.
The best part is that you’re never, ever, left alone to fend for yourself. If you want to learn to play better – we want to welcome you to the family and help you along the path as much as we possibly can.
In fact, over the years I’ve heard from hundreds of students at live events and via email and posts on the forum that they consider the Blues Guitar Unleashed Member Forum to be worth more than all of the courses they’ve bought, combined!
- Mike Santarcangelo - Via Facebook![]()
The All Access Pass was a no brainer for me. Access to EVERYTHING Griff has ever done and ever will do? And that's only part of it. I get even more value from the 6 monthly live & interactive sessions on topics like Technique, Theory & Equipment.
Here’s What To Do Next
The “cost” of the Blues Guitar Unleashed All Access Pass is $29 per month, and you’ll have online access to all of the videos, audio, and manuals as I’ve described...
But if you're seeing this special offer, you can give the All Access Pass a try, for a full 14 days, for just $1.
The Videos and Audio files will play in your browser as long as you’re connected to the internet. You can use a computer, or a tablet, or even a mobile phone if you can see that small of a screen 😉
After the 14 days you will automatically be billed $29 per month until you decide to cancel your membership, at which point you’ll obviously no longer be able to access the videos and lessons.
It's easy to cancel at any time with an email to the Blues Guitar Unleashed helpdesk (helpdesk@bluesguitarunleashed.com).
How did I come up with $29? Simple…
I looked at how much you would have spent if you bought every course I released last year… and you would have spent $585!
So even if the All Access Pass was $40 per month, you’d still save some money.
But not only did I cut the price down... I added in the Practice Generator and the Live Workshops – so $29 should be a no-brainer for what you’re getting.
You’ll Also Earn The Golden Ticket
As you continue to keep your All Access Pass Membership, you’ll earn a “Golden Ticket” which will allow you to choose one of my courses and you can own it… even if your All Access Pass expires.
You’ll see your first Golden Ticket in your member area after your 2nd monthly payment (about 75 days after you sign up and go through the $1 trial.)
Once you use that Golden Ticket (which you do right inside the member area, it's easy), it will be 60 days before you see the next one, and so on.
(Golden Tickets cannot "stack", so don't wait, use them as soon as you get them!)
But I’m so convinced that once you see the benefits of being an All Access Pass holder, you’ll want to keep your membership for years to come.
And by the way, even though I haven’t mentioned it, if for some reason you don’t completely love your All Access Pass you’re covered by
The Best Guarantee In The Business
If, for any reason, you don’t love your All Access Pass, just let me or my helpdesk know and you’ll get a full refund on your previous payment – no questions asked.
And if you decide to stop your subscription at any time, it’s super easy, just let us know and it’s a slam dunk. We won’t try to convince you to stay or pull any shenanigans on you.
Of course, anything you have purchased with a “Golden Ticket” remains yours, even if your subscription is canceled.
How’s that for a fair deal?
So Here's What To Do Next...
Simply click the button below to start your 14 Day Trial of the Blues Guitar Unleashed All Access Pass...
After you've "Kicked The Tires," if you don't love it, just let us know by emailing helpdesk@bluesguitarunleashed.com and you will not be billed further.
But if you love it, you do nothing, and your regular $29 monthly billing will happen automatically once the 14 days is over.
PS – In case you skipped ahead, here’s what I have for you…
You can get full access to every single lesson, jam track, and course I’ve ever made… plus access to my Practice Generator, Live Workshops, and the Blues Guitar Unleashed Member Forum, for just $29 per month with the new Blues Guitar Unleashed All Access Pass.
You’ll have access to all of my courses including: Blues Guitar Unleashed, Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed, Strumming And Rhythm Mastery, Beginning Blues Guitar, Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed, Modes Unleashed, CAGED Unleashed, Guitar Theory Made Useful, and tons more.
Plus, of course, you’ll get immediate access to all new lessons and courses – and in fact, you’ll get them before anyone else.
On top of that, every 60 days you’ll get a “Golden Ticket” which you can use to own any course of your choosing and it will stay yours, even if your All Access Pass expires.
You can get it currently for just $29 per month, or $299 per year... even though it's worth hundreds of dollars more than that for what you get.
And, of course, if there are any issues or you don’t like it for any reason, just let us know and you’ll get a refund of your last payment – no questions asked. For yearly memberships we refund pro-rated amounts based on how long you’ve been a member.
Sound good? Cool, go here to get your All Access Pass now.