“Upgrade Your Blues Soloing With The Secrets Of ‘The Velvet Bulldozer’…”
Albert King has been cited as a primary influence for Stevie Ray Vaughan, Billy Gibbons, Joe Bonamassa, and almost any blues player alive today… Now you can understand why and get the killer licks of ‘The Velvet Bulldozer’ under your fingers…
It’s rare that you hear someone play guitar and instantly know who it is after only a single note…
But when you hear Albert King wrangle those bends out of his guitar, you know it…
Because you feel it, just like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Billy Gibbons, and so many other blues musicians have throughout the last few decades.
And when you dig into his solos and his music, it becomes so clear why everyone else tried so hard to play like he played…
His solos were pure, unfiltered blues straight from his core…
The sting, they cut, they dance, and they slip-and-slide when they need to.
Surprisingly, his playing in not very complex… rarely moving out of simple, traditional blues patterns…
But as with all great blues musicians, the devil is in the details and those details make all the difference…
Which is why I had to put everything you need to know about Albert King’s playing into a single, step-by-step system…
That System Is This…

How To Solo Like Albert King is exactly as it sounds… it is a trip through Albert King’s playing, step-by-step, lick by lick, note by note.
You’ll start by learning several “Albert King-isms” that come up time and time again throughout the 7 complete solos in the style of various Albert King tunes:
- I’ll Play The Blues For You
- Crosscut Saw
- Killing Floor
- I Wanna Get Funky
- Don’t Throw Your Love On Me So Strong
- Angel Of Mercy
- Answer To The Laundromat Blues
Each song is broken down into 10-17 individual licks that are carefully transcribed and chosen in such a way that you’ll have everything you need to inject as much Albert King into your own playing as you want.
Here’s how (and why) How To Solo Like Albert King works:
When you want to learn to solo, you need 3 things: the “why”, or the approaches and theory of what’s going on (you need to know what to think about…)
You also need some “licks,” or stock phrases that will work for you when you want to say something. We rarely speak word by word, we speak in phrases, and you need those to play as well as to speak.
And yes, you also need some complete solos… but it’s best to see how the licks get put together to form the solos, as opposed to just learning the solos in their entirety.
I have yet to see all 3 of those things in one place, until now.
But There’s More To It Than Just Albert King Licks…
Sure, it’s great to be able to channel your “inner Albert King” when you’re soloing and really pull out some licks and phrases that pay homage to such a great player…
But the reality is that this is also about blues soloing, in general…
In fact, if you’ve got some basics of blues under your fingers and you’ve maybe tried to solo, but you really haven’t like the result…
This particular course will truly show you the power of rhythm in your soloing.
You may have heard me talk about that a lot, but no one makes it clearer than Albert King.
There are, literally, places where he’ll play the same notes 3 or 4 times in a row, but every time he varies the rhythm just a little and you’d swear it was something completely different!
If you had to start somewhere in learning the best possible licks and phrases to have in your blues soloing arsenal, this would be it.
Here are just some of the things you’re getting…
- How to get that “snap” sound using your picking hand fingers along with your pick just like Albert King does…
- At least 4 different ways to move effortlessly between the minor pentatonic/blues boxes 1 and 2 (Albert King has some great ones!)
- How Albert King used double stops and bends to create those crazy “elephant” elephant bends that are almost more of an effect than a note.
- The best ways to “fall off” the end of a lick with a few quick notes. Albert King does this often with a few different options you’ll get.
- 7 Complete Albert King solos broken down note for note…
- 3 straight feel in the style of “I’ll Play The Blues For You,” “Crosscut Saw,” and “Killing Floor.”
- A “Funky” Slow Blues in the style of, “I Wanna Get Funky.”
- 2 Slow Blues solos in the style of, “Don’t Throw Your Love On Me So Strong,” and “Answer To The Laundromat Blues.”
- A minor slow blues in the style of, “Angel Of Mercy.”
- Dozens of Classic Albert King licks, TABbed out, and gone through note-for-note in the video. You’ll know exactly why every note was chosen, and how you might make changes if your needs dictated something else.
- Play along tracks for all 7 solos in both slow and full speeds, plus full length jam tracks you can use for practice any time.
- All of the jam and play along tracks come with a separate “no guitar” version so you can play rhythm and lead over them as much as you want.
And of course, there is more besides, but I think you get the idea…
Mostly what makes this course so powerful is the “why” behind all of the licks. Once you really understand where those ideas come from, you can really use them for yourself. Like they say, “Knowledge Is Power.”
So Here’s What To Do Next
How To Solo Like Albert King is just $99 and you can get it instantly as a digital download or stream it from your own private Member Portal on your computer or mobile device (as long as you have an internet connection.) It never goes away and you can access it any time.
All you have to do is click the “Add To Cart” button below, and complete the secure checkout to get your copy just a few minutes from now.
Is That It?
Pretty much.. that’s about it.
As always, you get my iron-clad, 90 day guarantee. If you don’t love How To Solo Like Albert King, just let my friendly helpdesk know and you’ll get a complete refund, no questions asked – and you don’t even have to send it back.
My private students that have gone through some of this training have paid me upwards of $1000 or more for this information and done so willingly, and they don’t even get a money-back guarantee!
So to get this complete course, with all the video walk-throughs and play-alongs, complete TABs, audio play-alongs, jam tracks, for $99 is kind of a no-brainer.
There’s no catch, no hidden continuity thing, and no shenanigans to be found. The order form is secure and you can rest assured that your privacy and data are safe. You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose…
Now Is The Time…
Putting this off until “someday” is just putting off success that much longer, and there’s no reason for that. If you really want to make improvements now, you have to act now, it’s that simple.
And with my 90 day no-questions-asked-you-don’t-even-have-to-send-it-back guarantee, this is the perfect chance to really up your blues soloing game and really absorb these Albert King elements that have made him so inspiring for so many years.
So click the “Add To Cart” button below and within just a few minutes from now you can be adding these incredible, timeless licks to your own blues soloing bag-of-tricks.
To get your complete copy of How To Solo Like Albert King just click the yellow “Add To Cart” button below. Just as soon as your order is complete you will receive an email with your access instructions to the secure Member Portal so you can be creating exciting new blues solos in just a few minutes from now!
This is a one time payment, NOT a subscription. 3 Payment option is available on the next page.
PS – In case you thought, “Oh, I’ll just scroll down to the bottom and get the scoop,” let me hip you to it…
I’m offering you a great chance to try my new How To Solo Like Albert King course, where you can not only see inside the workings of arguably the greatest blues guitar player ever…
But you’ll also see the “why” behind what he did, and how you can apply that to your own playing.
There are 7 complete solos, dozens of licks, complete TABs, and so much more…
You can get it all for just $99, with my iron-clad 90 day guarantee. You love it or you get a refund, and you don’t even have to send it back.
Sound good? Great! Then get yours here.