thumb slap/tap rhythm when playing


making guitars wish they were still trees
Hey, Griff, here's a suggestion for a short video lesson sometime. I think you may've covered this in the past, but I can't seem to find it in one of the courses or any of the old vids I see that you've posted. I may just be overlooking it.

Is there anything special to that percussive tap that many guitar players use, especially when playing without a pick? Been working on some songs with it lately, and don't feel like I'm missing something. Or maybe it's just like everything elsein that it just takes practice to get proficient at it.

John Mayer is using it in the example below. I know it's in lots of other stuff, that was just the first one that I thought of that I found on youtube.


Norfolk Bill

norfolk uk, just knoodling along
thumb slap snarf ,,found this video for you
