SRM Example 1-11

david moon

Attempting the Blues
I'm not sure what the lesson is asking. You could play the G as a barre chord at the third fret (E shape) and then the C as a barre chord at the third fret (A shape), then going to Cm (Am shape) would be less of a change in fingering.

Or just hunker down and figure out the change. Pick a target (usually the root of the next chord) and go for that, then the other fingers will follow.

david moon

Attempting the Blues
If you'r playing a regular C chord at the nut and 3rd finger is on 5th string 3rd fret, that's your target. That's where you want your first finger to anchor the Am shape of the Cm barre chord


Chubby, old guy trying to play some blues.
First time I've listened to it since i posted it....sounds like a damn out-of-tune banjo.
I think that is a little harsh. We are our own worst critics. There are a couple problem areas but isn't that why we are working the course? If we could do it perfectly we wouldn't need to work the course would we? I had major problems with that C -> Cm change. Are you separating just that change out and working it with a metronome? I'm not sure how slow I started that with the nome but I must have worked it 6,423 times.
I am now on 4-2 and the problem du jour is Em -> F#m. Back to the nome!!!:eek:
You'll get it.