Mellow "G" from Moto Tracks


Student Of The Blues
Staff member
Huh> What is that?
I guess I'll search the mixdown area.
Something new every day!

Well, that wasn't hard to find. Just curious... What difference does it really make? Can you hear a difference?
Either I did it wrong, or an A/B comparison doesn't seem to make a difference audio wise, but it does quadruple the size of the file...???


Father Vyvian O'Blivion
Staff member
Well, that wasn't hard to find. Just curious... What difference does it really make? Can you hear a difference?
Oh, most definitely. Also, if you're not the last one, it seriously degrades the backing track for everyone else down the line.


File size?

Hey @PapaRaptor , I have been meaning to propose that one of you guys consider adding a header or sticky with a list of parameters at the top of the VJR as a reminder. I know sometimes I get messing around and goof a setting here or there. Just a basic recipe, use mp3 format, change to 'dl" and all the file size parameters that are relevant. A banner or something might be nice if there is anyone besides me that is real good at remember everything - else. Just thinkin.