John's Sitting Easy Blues


Student Of The Blues
Sounded good Bigjohn. I don't have this course so I should ask if it supposed to be played that fast? Seems to me a bit more slowly would make it bluesier, if that makes sense.

Keep up the good work!



West Wiltshire/Exeter, UK
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the feedback, I hadn't noticed I'd speed it up so much, looking back at the course video Griff plays it at around 78 bpm. I'll spend some more time on it.

Thanks, John


Student Of The Blues
Sounds good. I would slow it down a bit, and then put a little space after each call and response so they don't run together. Otherwise, you totally have the notes and fingering down!


West Wiltshire/Exeter, UK
Thanks Elio, that feedback was much appreciated. I'm working on slowing it down - playing slower seems to be harder...

Thanks, John