Daily Practice Humor...


indecisive player ... I suppose..
Daily laugh...

So I'm taking Griff's advise about counting out loud while working on improving my speed. Working 8ths, Triplets, and 16th's, plucked slurred and sequences of 3 and 4.

So all day long sequences of 3 (if I'm just listening to the beat and working up the pattern) but if I'm working 8th's and I'm counting as recommended 1&2&3&4... while ascending in sequences of 3 it's quite comical. Last night I spent about 10 minutes just focused on doing that for my Right facing pattern on the E string (Box 1)....

Not even kidding...I literally could get no more than 2 sequences in and lose track... so basically couldn't even get to the D string.. lol... hilarious...

I will endeavor to persevere...