
Hello Everyone,
Happy almost New Year!
I have two questions, does anyone know where the BGULabs section of the forum? I have question about it that I want to ask in the proper forum.
I guess I should first ask the new one offered yesterday would be suitable for me if I'm only on lesson 3 of BGU 2.0?
Thanks All


Blues Newbie
Thomas, thanks for starting this thread. I don't think the BGUL Labs section of the forum is visible until you register for the course. If you have any measure of experience (live playing, blues experience, knowledge of the pentatonic "boxes", etc.), I would guess one of these challenges would be a good fit. But, never having participated in one myself, I may not be the best person to answer.

Questions to Griff on the January 2019 BGULabs Challenge: It starts Thursday, January 3, correct? I need to know what time of the day the live sessions will be held, both for the first session and subsequent ones. I would love to join one of the challenges, but if I can't join the live sessions, I may have to wait for a better time.



Student Of The Blues
Bob is correct Thomas - you only see the BGULabs forum AFTER you sign up for it (it’s the last forum on the bottom of the page). I have participated in five of them over the years, and I think Bob is pretty much on target when he says: “If you have any measure of experience (live playing, blues experience, knowledge of the pentatonic "boxes", etc.), I would guess one of these challenges would be a good fit.”
The challenges are usually scalable for the various levels of players, but all of them, so far, have required a bit of “soloing” skill.
Bob, a lot of Griff’s “webinars” (Labs, AAP, etc.) are afternoon (PST) times ~ 2-5 pm. But, he records every session and it’s available the next day for viewing at anytime. It’s fun to be there Live, but really not necessary.