Mellow "G" from Moto Tracks


Father Vyvian O'Blivion
Staff member
File size?

Hey @PapaRaptor , I have been meaning to propose that one of you guys consider adding a header or sticky with a list of parameters at the top of the VJR as a reminder. I know sometimes I get messing around and goof a setting here or there. Just a basic recipe, use mp3 format, change to 'dl" and all the file size parameters that are relevant. A banner or something might be nice if there is anyone besides me that is real good at remember everything - else. Just thinkin.

File size for a 256k MP3 is about 2 megabytes per minute length.

It is actually mentioned in the Guidelines thread in the sticky section at the top of the VJR. It's more conversational that just saying "do this or else." We don't roll that way in the VJR, but I will bug you about it. I did a comparison of various MP3 settings a few years ago and after downloading and uploading at lower bitrates, the audio gets pretty nasty sounding in a hurry. Even at 256 it will eventually get there, it will just take longer. The most obvious solution would be to use a lossless format, such as WAV or FLAC, but the file sizes get pretty daunting.
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