Session Suggestion - Chords and their Functions

Alan B. Go.

Blues Explorer
Griff - a number of times you have mentioned a "chords function". Can you review and/or detail this for us, please 'n thank you.



Student Of The Blues
It's a good suggestion Alan, but, I think all that is covered in his Guitar Theory Made Useful course. If I understand your question correctly. My opinion is that without a bit of theory under your belt it might get confusing really fast in a one time session.


Alan B. Go.

Blues Explorer
It's a good suggestion Alan, but, I think all that is covered in his Guitar Theory Made Useful course. If I understand your question correctly. My opinion is that without a bit of theory under your belt it might get confusing really fast in a one time session.

Eric - I've been thru the course (twice actually). I guess I'll have to go back and review it again. Thanks for the tip.


Student Of The Blues
Check out especially lesson 9 - Chord progressions and the Standard Harmony Rule and its related lessons, such as lesson 10 - What Key is this in?

Once you know how to harmonize the major scale (I - Major; ii - minor; iii - minor; IV - Major; V - Major/Dominant; vi - minor; vii - diminished/half diminished)

then when Griff says things like, for example,

"this G major chord in this progression in the Key of A major is functioning as a V chord for the key of C"

you understand that normally there wouldn't be a G major in the key of A because by the standard harmony rule it should be a vii chord, the G# diminished, and the G major chord is the V chord in the key of C. Therefore the G in the progression is functioning as a V chord.

Of course there'd be more context than that, its just an example.

I hope that helps point you into the right direction.
