Jamming Alone (Solo) - 2 Bar Licks & Phrases With Shuffle Riff In G

If you missed the previous "1 Bar Licks" video, you can see it here.

If you missed the previous "2 Bar Licks" video, you can see it here.

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13 responses to “2 Bar Licks With Shuffle In G”

  1. Chris Roper says:

    This should get me going again after a break (not a musical break……..the other kind!)
    Thanks GH.

  2. Max Load says:

    Great lesson for all levels of students. I’ve been playing for years and got some new ideas from this. We never stop being students of music.

  3. Maurice Didier says:

    I haven’t played for a very long long time and was looking for some inspiration somewhere Thank you for uplifting me in the search to find my lost passion for music

  4. This came at absolutely the right time. Thanks.

  5. Jim says:

    Awesome G……..

  6. Gene says:

    What a great lesson. Love the key of G but of course we can transpose it to any key we want on the fly. Keep em coming Griff!

  7. Norman Maskery says:

    A super great vidio Griff.
    I am thouruly enjoying them
    Ty Griff.

  8. Brian says:

    Really nice lesson! Very good ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Greg Pace says:

    I own nearly all of your courses, this is the one I have been waiting for. I always play alonešŸ˜©

  10. Thanks, Griff for all you do for us.

    Congrats on your new album!

  11. Robert Brown says:

    At 71 and new to the electric guitar world it takes me forever to get this stuff right. Working every day to get better. The lessons are just 50 years late.

  12. James C Kuzo says:


    Here is some FYI from us old folks (Baby Boomers) who use Social Security to supplement our retirement incomes….
    The largest generation in the history of the planet…!!!
    Those Social Security checks are delivered on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of every month.
    So now I feel personally disrespected that you jacked the price of your JBA course right before the SS check hits my (our) account(s). This was a course I was looking forward to.
    At our age $30.00 is $30.00.
    Its the difference between purchasing or not. If you check my previous purchases you can see I’m a consistent customer.
    This course above all suits me (us). Playing alone and well is quite the therapeutic experience.
    In fact, a senior discount across the board would go a long way of endearing you with my generation…We are in fact, a generation of Blues Music…
    So how about it…
    A little something…
    Ya know…for the effort…!!!

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