Playing Verses Imitating


Blues Newbie
Hey Griff - Curious as time how a guitarist moves from the level of being able to copy and perform lesson materials from a purely imitating fashion to really knowing the material and being able to use it in real life. I’ve studied dozens of courses and really have no trouble copying and memorizing rhythms, licks, and even complete solos granting that they are within my technical capabilities. However, I still don’t know my way around the fretboard to know what to play against a given progression. Sure I can play a minor pentatonic shape in the correct key but isolating the notes for the given chord or even further finding chord tones outside the scale is not something I can do. I was just curious what I’m missing? I’ve recently started memorizing all the notes on the fretboard hoping that will help. I also have the CAGED unleashed course and am wondering if I study that will it give me to missing ingredient? I’d really appreciate your thoughts on it.
