I’m a New Old Member too


Blues Newbie
9329B2A9-720A-4AAC-8CC4-2C8EE2DB1ABD.jpeg I’m trying to keep myself busy while fighting Hemochromatosis. It has damaged a lot of my joints. Hemochromatosis is a genetic blood disorder that deposits iron in your joints, your major organs like your liver, heart, & brain. The only treatment is to take a pint of blood out of me every week, thus leaving me in anemia. I also have Hashimoto’s Disease and Epstein Barr Virus. Nobody in my family has lived past age 64. I just turned 60 on November 1st. I’ve built 2 guitars in the past. I want to get along further with the courses before my time is up on this earth.

Many Moons

Welcome to the forum. That's quite a list of ailments!! Hang on to that scripture on the guitar, and think of the resurrected body you'll have.:)


Student Of The Blues
Staff member
Welcome back. Don't let the past get you down. Medicine has improver so much over the years that your families results may not be the same as yours.


making guitars wish they were still trees
Welcome back to the forum, amigo! Take a look around and join in the fun.