Door to Door Danny


Blues Newbie
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Spongebob. I have an extensive file of song ideas that I started but never completed. I took one of them and believe that I have finished to lyric today. I might tweek it a bit more before I try to record a demo.

In the last couple centuries; when a person needed sundries
Buttons to sew or pans to cook. A family Bible or some other good book
With no way to get to town, they would wait for the peddler to come around

Danny would sell you a vacuum cleaner, Fuller Brush or maga[zine
He made sure every good Ma and Pa, bought an encyclopedia
He’d take your order for a kitchenette, all before there was the Internet


Here comes door to door Danny, Here comes door to door Danny
Here comes door to door Danny, Here comes door to door Danny
Door to door Danny’s got what every woman needs

He knew when a husband wasn’t home, the kids in school and the wife alone
When he came around with his knock knock knock, he knew which doors would be unlocked
Door to door Danny’s got what every woman needs

Danny was a hit with all the gals; He was long on looks but short with moral
Fast with his stories he told a few lies but when a kid called him daddy he said goodbye
Door to door Danny’s got what every woman needs


Now we’ve got Facebook and Twitter, UPS and Fed-Ex deliver
You can buy all your stuff on Amazon, so Danny’s travelin’ days are gone
But you’ll see him on the TV now selling Ginsu Knives and Shamwow

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